Monday, June 13, 2016

Response To

The comment seems to evoke the apparently age-old question of whether good or bad is normative. To me, systems' parts seem to typically work harmoniously together to achieve goals. To me, harmonious system operation seems generally considered good, and inharmonious system operation bad. To the extent that God is the infinitely-existent source of everything else, God seems reasonably described as the overarching system. Reality other than God seems reasonably described as an expression of God, and everything in reality seems to work harmoniously together except for apparently privileged, self-determination that replaces God as system authority. Accepting God as system authority, good seems simply defined as harmony with God, and evil seems to be disharmony with God. Apparently, therefore, harmony and its source and system authority, God, seem most logical described as good.

Response To

Upon what basis, if any, might Hindu thought suggest that multiple deities are called for? To me, the Bible and science seem to imply the infinitely-existing source of everything else. (a) might Hindu thought suggest such a source? (b) if so, might Hindu thought consider that source to be a multi-part point of reference, and (c) if so, why?