Discussing evidence from science, reason and history for God as the key to optimal human experience
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Response To https://twitter.com/Isaacharrop75/status/737708368958226433
Re: "moon as light", to me, Genesis 1 doesn't seem intended to serve as a technical science manual, but rather, as background information establishing (for the reader) God as creator and sovereign authority over reality, including the human experience.
With relevance to the human experience, the moon seems to function as a "night light". Perhaps the moon's reflection of light, rather than emission of light, isn't material to that point.
Re: "People living to 1000", I seem to recall suggestion that human life span has varied significantly over time, perhaps due to factors including lifestyle and environmental conditions, with revolutionary era lifespans seeming to have been in the 20s-30s, and contemporary lifespans seeming to reach over 100, an apparently five-fold increase. To me, suggestion seems reasonable that lifestyle and environmental conditions during proposed 1000-year-lifespan eras might have been sufficiently less deteriorative to human health and longevity to facilitate such lifespans, since many apparently-suggested health-damaging conditions seem suggested to have been brought on by human innovation.
Re: "Johnah inside the fish's stomach", a brief Google scan seems to reveal multiple non-Biblical accounts of sea creatures swallowing humans whole.
Re: "Talking donkey", to me, the sole logic that comes to mind is that of God's apparently Biblically-suggested sovereignty over all existence, perhaps establishing anomalies at God's apparently Biblically-suggested, omniscient discretion. Perhaps God simply gave the donkey temporary ability to communicate verbally.