Sunday, May 29, 2016

Response To

If I might respectfully suggest, to me, as a believer in God (as described by the Bible, and as apparently substantiated by science's findings), most of the human experience attributes listed in the left image seem similar to those apparently suggested by the Bible. However, the following of them seem based upon reasoning that seems incompatible within a secular context.

To the extent that you might be interested in debating this suggestion, I respectfully submit the following reasoning:
  • #6. "Morality, not religion". To the extent that (a) "morality" refers to the "good/bad" dichotomy, (b) "religion" includes the suggested existence of God, as described by the Bible, (c) human perception is considered equally authoritative among humans, and (d) humans perception of good and bad seems to differ among humans, morality seems indefinable without a higher-than-human authority.
  • #8. "Good without God". Similarly, "good" seems indefinable without a higher-than-human authority, that authority seeming to be Biblically-suggested, and scientifically substantiated as being God.
  • #10. "Rationality without Ideology". Perhaps your intended meanings for "rationality" and "ideology" warrant clarification. Google seems to suggest (a) "Rationality is the quality or state of being reasonable, based on facts or reason. Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, or of one's actions with one's reasons for action", and (b) ideology to be "a system of ideas and ideals...". To me, reason seems based upon ideas, and therefore, rationality seems based upon ideology.