Saturday, April 30, 2016

SIDP Mission

The Social Issues Discussion Project ("SIDP") presents science's findings that seem to parallel, and perhaps therefore, substantiate the Bible's suggested fundamental cause of and solution for social issues.

Addressing Social Issues' Fundamental Cause And Solution
Science's findings seem to substantiate the Bible's apparent suggestion that social issues are symptoms of an underlying cause. If they are, relieving social issue symptoms might be important, but those symptoms seem likely to reemerge unless the underlying cause is resolved. The SIDP presents the proposed underlying cause and its solution.

Presentation and Discussion
  • based upon science with Internet references
  • presented as theory open to substantiated challenge
  • cooperative and respectful dialog
  • SIDP Chatroom facilitates global, Internet, text-based discussion that seems more effective in some ways than oral discussion.

Strength Of Evidence And Reasoning
Since its maiden discussion in 2011, SIDP perspective seems to have stood up to scrutiny from differing perspectives with apparently high levels of topic experience, seems to have earned the respect of those less receptive to other approaches, and seems to have been described by many as enjoyable and educational.

Scope Of Benefit
The scope of benefit seems typically narrow for humanitarian efforts that address social issues. However, the SIDP addresses social issues' underlying cause, and therefore seems to impact every aspect of social issues, including the effectiveness of other humanitarian efforts.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Substantiation: Key Attributes of God

Science's findings seem to substantiate the Bible's apparent suggestion of key attributes of God, the source of all other existence.

  • Sovereign Creator
    The source's apparently infinite sourcing of all other existence seems to warrant the description "Sovereign Creator".
  • Intellectual Being
    Intellect seems to be an attribute of the source of existence, for, if all existence is a formation of energy, all human activity seems by definition to be energy's activity. Therefore, the activity of energy, or of the source that wields energy, seems to be that which humans describe as intellect.
  • Omniscient (All-Knowing)
    A sovereign, intellectual source of everything seems most logically to have complete awareness/knowledge about everything that it sources, and therefore be omniscient.
  • Omnipotent (All-Powerful)
    A sovereign, intellectual, omniscient source of existence seems most logically capable of manipulating everything that it sources, including human thought and behavior.
  • Supremely Benevolent
    A sovereign, intellectual, omniscient, omnipotent source of existence seems most logically to be more capable of benevolence than any other existence.
  • Omnipresent (Always Everywhere)
    The infinite existence of the source seems most logically to suggest the source to be always chronologically present. The unknown spatial form of the source, especially in light of the apparent chronically infinite existence of the source, seems not to offer basis upon which to suggest that the source's form is geographically limited.

Supporting The SIDP

The SIDP seeks financial support to cover appropriate operating costs and salary for its sole operator. Support to date has consisted of large and small church and individual donations.

The SIDP can be reached via cellular text message to (954) 253-3180, via email text message to, via the SIDP chatroom (see "SIDP Chatroom" in Table Of Contents), and via email at

Sunday, April 10, 2016

SIDP Website

The SIDP website, launched on Thursday, December 19, 2013, details the SIDP theory and presents substantiation from science with references published by secular sources.

Website articles are displayed on the left with comment posting underneath, and the "Connect To" panel on the top right houses links for the SIDP Chatroom and for SIDP social media.

The table of contents under the "Connect To" panel displays main website articles, some of which contain links to other SIDP articles on the SIDP website. Immediately below the table of contents, the "Revisions" list lists all SIDP website articles in most recent creation or revision date order.