Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Response To

Assuming appropriate respect for differing perspective, and assuming that (a) "impeccable moral compass" means "infallible discernment of right and wrong", and that (b) humans have limited, fallible perception, including in the area of right/wrong discernment, what might you mean by "impeccable moral compass"?

Response To

To me, to the extent that the God/human relationship seems reasonably suggested to be as unique as the individuals within those relationships, and to the extent that God considers interaction between those individuals to be optimal, perception by each such individual of that which God knows is optimal with regard to other individuals' relationship with God seems desirable.

Response To

To me, the issue seems to be the consequence of disagreement between two human (and apparently therefore, equally authoritative) "persons of authority" with conflicting goals due to conflicting perspective. To me, logic seems to suggest that their conflict seems to have no resolution but the intuitive decision to yield or to attempt to force the other to yield. In either case, logic does not seem to render either intuituve choice to necessarily yield the optimal outcome.