Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Response To https://twitter.com/moinedeisme/status/727481892774146048

Perhaps incorrectly, I don't seem to recall Genesis 1 suggesting that God created everything from nothing, but rather that the earth was without form and void, and that certain aspects of the earth-relevant system existed subsequent to God "suggesting" their existence.

The conservation of energy and mass, and mass-energy equivalence concepts seem to suggest that physical items are transformations of energy. Perhaps, therefore, Genesis 1:2 refers to a point at which the energy that was to become Earth was in somewhat of an unformed state.

To me, the apparent suggestion that God "called" things into existence doesn't necessarily suggest much detail regarding the mechanics thereof, perhaps similarly to the phrase "I drove here" might not detail all of the processes that comprised that hypothetical eventuality.

To me, God doesn't seem clearly Biblically-suggested to have human vocal cords, so God "saying" something doesn't seem to necessarily equate to the phenomenon of human "saying". The phrase "And God said 'Let there be light'", might simply be the closest humanly-relatable phenomenon to that which occurred, and might have been implemented to convey the general concept and move onward.

I welcome reasoned response.