Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Response To

Personal perspective: Plan B might be preferable. I seem to prefer rooting social media platform-initiated conversation in the initial host's platform, using external platforms solely to supplement the host's capabilities.

Re: creation ex nihilo and Heb 11:3, to me, although creation ex nihilo might comprise a percentage of relevant perspective, Heb 11:3 seems reasonably interpreted as not suggesting creation ex nihilo, since it seems to read " that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear". Without the benefit of Einstein's apparent energy-mass equivalence suggestion, the Biblical quote seems consistent with that suggestion.

Re: "I could make the argument your meme doesn't represent those of atheists at large", might the argument be based upon a specific statement of mine?

Re: "If you knowingly misrepresent someones beliefs or draw conclusions about their character as a consequence of those ideas, then how can we trust anything you say as true", for clarification's sake, might you consider the drawing of conclusions about character based upon the subject's beliefs as always bad? MIght the issue you address be more accurately articulated as drawing conclusions about character based upon insufficient information regarding the subject's beliefs?

I welcome your thoughts.