Monday, June 06, 2016

Response To

To me, the apparent suggestion that cosmogony and higher-authority theories have universally been developed seems to suggest that human intellect might lean intuitively toward cosmogony, and toward association of a complex natural system with a more complex, aware source. That source/authority figure seems to constitute a unique point of reference, perhaps typically eliminating the apparently-suggested multiple choice issue with regard to "gods" that seems to be suggested by the preceding comment. To me, the only time that multiple choice of such sources seems to be intuitively introduced is when (a) multiple humans with differing conceptualizations of the source/authority figure might interpret those differences as indicating differing points of reference, or (b) a human conceptualizes a team sourcing/authority figure construct, in which case, outreach seems likely made to the group as a whole, or to the highest authority within the group. Apparently as a result, to me, a human seems reasonably expected to intuitively sense, without confusion, a single, aware, source/authority point of reference to reach out to. That said, to offer possibly contrasting/balancing perspective, to me, Genesis 1 does not seem irrefutably clear with regard to the quantitative nature of God.