Monday, May 01, 2017

Response To

Replacing God with self seems to require acknowledgement of the Bible's apparent suggestion of human responsibility for social issues. Perhaps, that acknowledgement could be viewed in the light of the following:
  • the apparent simplicity of the human experience's apparent needs (food, safety, activity, companionship, reproduction), and the apparent plentitude of these resources.
  • History's apparent report that human self has not eliminated social issues from the human experience within the millions of years of its apparently-suggested existence.
  • Science apparent findings seem to substantiate the Bible's explanation of why human intellect hasn't eliminated social issues, and why it might be incapable of doing so.
Then, perhaps humans might consider accepting God as primary relationship and sovereign authority, rather than (a) administration by human self or (b) administration of one's God/human relationship by others. To me, the Bible seems to suggest that allowing others to administrate one's God/human relationship does not equate to accepting God as primary relationship and sovereign authority (Exodus 18), and that resulting quality of human experience seems predicted expected to be poor, and perhaps even poorer (1 Samuel 8), since one then seems to add the confusing misdirection of attributing human failings onto God, apparently resulting in reliance upon and rejected reliance upon the wrong parties.