Discussing evidence from science, reason and history for God as the key to optimal human experience
Monday, May 01, 2017
Response To http://sidpblog.blogspot.com/p/sidpmain.html comment Dean Esmay June 5, 2016 at 9:59 AM
To me, determination of the historicity of Biblical anecdotes seems less urgent than appropriate understanding of their apparent message. To me, that message seems unsurpassed in value when compared to any message not directly exchanged between God and the individual. To me, I seem to have identified sufficient, apparently science-compatible viability of apparently-suggested Biblical conflict with science to reasonably conclude that the remainder of such suggested conflicts are either also identifiable, beyond at least the current scope of science's findings, or reasonably considered symbolic metaphor. To me, in any of those cases, the Bible's apparent primary message that acceptance of God as primary relationship and sovereign authority is the key to optimal human experience seems substantiated by science.