Monday, May 01, 2017

Shifting Guidance From God

Perhaps representatively for society at large, the Bible seems to portray one society's key shifts in guidance from God to human perception, and the resulting social issues.

  • Genesis 3: Eve chooses another's guidance over God's.

    Genesis 4-6 seems to portray the apparently resulting reduction in the lineage's quality of human experience, perhaps so much so that relief therefrom was desired, sensed via inspiration from God in Genesis 5:29, and effected in Genesis 6.
  • Exodus 18: Moses, despite having experienced direct guidance from God, accepts another's guidance toward establishing community human administration when God seems to have intended Moses to teach the community about God as individuals' primary relationship and sovereign authority.
  • Exodus 19: the community asks Moses to act as messenger between the community and God.
  • 1 Samuel 8: community spokespersons request a human king as leader rather than God, despite a long list of abuses that God warns a human leader would impose. Abuse of power by human leaders seems historically a significant source of social issues.