Monday, May 01, 2017

Response To

Although the Bible might be reasonably described as extrapolation to the extent that human cognition of abstract concepts is considered interpolation/extrapolation and the extent to which Biblical content presents abstract concepts. However, to me, the difference between (a) the Bible's apparent main message and (b) real-time right-of-way determination seems to be that the Bible's apparent main message seems to constitute a static concept that once discovered does not change, but real-time right-of-way determination seems to address factors whose relevance, values and ability to be humanly-identified seems in potentially constant flux. To me, it seems to also so happen that science seems to substantiate the apparently suggested value of Bible's apparent main message, as well as the apparent illogic of human real-time right-of-way determination outside of the Bible's apparently suggested context of God as primary relationship and sovereign authority.