Monday, May 01, 2017

Response To

Re: Plato's Cave, to me the Bible seems to suggest that God's omniscient jurisdiction over each unique God/human relationship is the "human experience system piece" that appropriately manages the "Plato's Cave" human experience pattern. To me, the Bible seems reasonably interpreted as suggesting knowing both the experience of the shackled and the free, and that both might considered each other "disadvantaged" for different reasons.

To me, this might apply to theist/non-theist interaction such that theists who associate benefit with the God/relationship might wish to facilitate that benefit for others, and non-theists who might associate harm with the God/human relationship might wish to eliminate that harm for themselves, if not also for others.

To me, God seems reasonably considered the ultimate and optimal manager of God's apparent relationship with both believers and non-believers. If I can help dispel possible misconceptions and/or offer other hopefully insightful perspective regarding God's existence, the God/human relationship, and the Bible, to me, such seems the most valuable achievement possible in an adverse human experience context since, God seems most logically suggested to be the key to such adversity's resolution. To me, although multiple humanitarian approaches seem warranted, social issues seem comprised of two problems: (a) symptoms such as health, social and environmental issues; and (b) the cause of such issues. The apparent extent to which human administration attempts to manage those problems seems demonstrably suggested to be the extent to which both problems seem to exist. The apparent extent to which the cause of such issues is non-acceptance of God as primary relationship and sovereign authority, the solution seems logically suggested to be acceptance of God as primary relationship and sovereign authority. Nonetheless, the path thereto seems Biblically-suggested to be totally between God and the individual. Again, my proposed role seems to be to offer hopefully insightful perspective to those who might remotely be interested.