Monday, May 01, 2017

Response To

To me, the Bible does not seem to suggest that God punished Adam and Eve because they simply "bit an apple".

  • To me, the Bible seems to suggest that they primarily and needlessly punished themselves and humanity to come by doing something that they were warned by God would harm them, and that they mistakenly thought would help them. The SIDP essay at presents more detail.
  • In addition to the harm that Adam and Eve seem Biblically-suggested to have brought upon themselves and humanity, God seems suggested to have punished them, not for simply "biting an apple", but for doing what God directed they should not do.

    My take on this seems to be that God, as establisher of the human experience, knows what is best for the human experience, and should not be disobeyed. Perhaps, due to the apparent experience-learning nature of human intellect, if readily-observable adverse experience was not associated their deed, they, and generations to come, might not recognize the possibly more direct, subtle, and yet possibly more severe consequences of perceiving anxiety/evil in addition to good and associate those consequences with their deed, and might conclude that it's OK to disregard God.

    To me, much of human innovation seems focused upon overcoming those consequences without accepting God as primary relationship and sovereign authority. Despite human innovation's possibly perceived successes, human innovation seems to have failed over the apparently-suggested millions of years of human existence to eliminate adversity from the human experience because such adversity seems to stem from not accepting God as primary relationship and sovereign authority in spite of the apparent limitations and fallibility of human perception. Without such acceptance of God, there seems to exist no authoritative standard for right and wrong, both in principle and in real-time practice. Apparently, as a result, conflicting human perspective (including with regard to God/human relationship) seems to have no resolution but intuitively decision to yield or to attempt to force the other to yield.
Re: "... who created your God where did he come from what's his origin ...", to me, both the Bible and science seem to suggest infinite past existence, rather than creation, of the source of everything else, apparently Biblically referred to as "God".