Monday, May 01, 2017

Response To

Re: "the bible says questioning is blasphemy", to me, that statement might warrant clarification. The Bible seems to suggest that acceptance of God as primary relationship and sovereign authority is one of the primary premises of the human experience. One reason seems to be appropriate respect for God's Biblically-suggested sovereign authority. Another reason seems to be that the limitations and fallibility of human perception seem to yield undesirable decisions that result in undesirable behavior that results in undesirable outcomes. Faith in and acceptance of God's omniscient guidance seems to implement God's guidance and avoid the undesirable outcomes. Doubt of and rejection of God's guidance seems to propel toward undesirable outcomes.

That said, to me, the Bible seems to depict God as providing sufficient evidence upon which to base subsequent faith in God. Moses' apparently-suggested pre-Exodus discussion with God in Exodus 3-4, and Gideon's discussion with God in Judges 6:36-40 seem to offer reasonable example thereof.

To summarize, therefore, although faith in God seems Biblically-suggested to be critical to the human experience, God also seems Biblically-suggested to use God's omniscient and supremely benevolent discretion to offer sufficient opportunity to address concern related to accepting God as primary relationship and sovereign authority.